Current issues
Issue 18: The Research on Cannabinoids in Cancer
Dr. Spelman interviews Donald Abrams, MD on his extensive experience working with cannabinoids in cancer patients. The newest research in this episode explores the application of Shitake mushroom in hypercholesterolemia.
Issue 17: Herbal Energetics & Entheogenic Medicines
Dr. Spelman continues the interview with Guido Masé with a focus on the energetics of herbs and entheogenic medicines. The research highlight examined a recent clinical study on a Saffron extract and sleep.
Issue 16: MOAs for Botanical Medicine
Dr. Spelman covers several topics on herbs and their impact on physiological function, including new research on cannabinoids and sleep, a review of the modes of activity (MOAs) of herbal remedies, and an interview with herbalist Guido Masé.
Issue 15: Psychiatric disorders and herbs
Dr. Spelman reviews new research on COVID-19 and ozone therapy, discusses strategies for managing stress and depression with botanicals, and speaks with Scott Mendelson, MD, about using herbs in the treatment of psychiatric disorders.
Issue 14: Alzheimer’s disease and treating neurological disorders
Dr. Spelman reviews new research on the treatment of pulmonary issues with traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), goes in depth into the link between Alzheimer’s disease and nutrient deficiencies, and speaks with Lillian Somner, DO, about treating neurological issues.
Issue 13: CBD in pediatrics and autism, with Dr. Bonni Goldstein - Part II
Dr. Spelman covers new research on Pueraria lobata and CBD, expands on his discussion of seizure disorders and CBD, and continues his interview with Dr. Bonni Goldstein.
Issue 12: The phytochemical index and CBD & seizure disorders, with Dr. Bonni Goldstein - Part I
Dr. Spelman examines new research on the link between mental health and phytonutrient consumption, presents a history of the use of CBD in seizure disorders, and speaks with Dr. Bonni Goldstein about cannabinoid therapeutics for pediatrics.
Issue 11: Pleiotropy & molecular multitasking: What’s Pharma’s problem? With David Hoffmann - Part II
Dr. Spelman covers new research on Sambucus ebulus as a topical treatment for eczema, examines Big Pharma’s reaction to pleiotropy, and continues his discussion with David Hoffmann.
Issue 10: Autoimmunity, the biopsychosocial model, and herbs for health with David Hoffmann
Dr. Spelman reviews new research on IgA as a key in neuroinflammation, discusses the shift in medical philosophy that opened the door for herbs as medicine in the 1960s, and interviews David Hoffman about his journey through herbalism.
Issue 09: Dosing in botanical medicine, with Dr. Michaël Friedman
Dr. Spelman covers new research on glycyrrhizin’s antiviral effects, discusses dosing in botanical medicine, and speaks with naturopathic physician Dr. Michaël Friedman.
Issue 08: Cognitive enhancement and cannabinoid use by cancer patients, with Dr. Jeff Hergenrather
Dr. Spelman reviews new data on selenium and COVID and discusses cannabinoid efficacy as an adjuvant treatment in cancer, including an interview with Dr. Jeff Hergenrather on cannabinoid use by cancer patients.
Issue 07: A focus on adaptogens, with David Winston - Part II
Dr. Spelman outlines new research on withanolides found in species besides Withania somnifera, discusses the pleiotropic effects of medicinal plants, illustrates the pleiotropy in adaptogens, and speaks further with David Winston about adaptogens.
Issue 06: A focus on adaptogens, with David Winston - Part I
Dr. Spelman speaks with David Winston about adaptogens and discusses selenium and COVID-19, the stress response, and Hans Selye’s general adaptation syndrome.
Issue 05: Medical cannabis, treating seizures & dosing strategies, with Dustin Sulak, DO
Dr. Spelman reviews new research on microglial inhibition by medicine plants, and speaks to Dr. Dustin Sulak about cannabis in pediatrics and his experience with CBD and THCA in treating seizures.
Issue 04: Cannabinoids in neuropathy, migraines and a focus on functional somatic syndromes
Dr. Spelman reviews new research on cannabidiol oil and peripheral neuropathy and interviews neurologist and cannabinoid expert Ethan Russo.
Issue 03: Prenatal health programs for women, with Leslie Stone, MD
Dr. Spelman covers new research on choline levels and URIs in pregnancy, and speaks to Dr. Leslie Stone about prenatal care, nutrition in pregnancy, phytochemistry, and the microbiome.
Issue 02: Selenium & COVID-19, with Ethan Will Taylor, PhD
Dr. Spelman reviews new research on Selenium and speaks with Dr. Ethan Will Taylor about Selenium as an antiviral agent.
Issue 01: COVID-19 A clinician’s view, Junella Chin, DO
Dr. Junella Chin, DO, relays her experience of working in a New York City hospital during COVID-19 and the challenges physicians faced.